Thursday, June 10, 2010

Blimey! There's a New Prime Minister

The UK is not part of America. This may sound obvious, but I bring it up because despite knowing better, a little part of me suspects that when America turns its back, Britain ceases to be. I acknowledge that this is a stupid thing to think and thinking it makes me a stupid person, but I suspect my fellow American plebes are with me.

I got to thinking about this because the name of the new British Prime Minister, a name I’ve most definitely seen and heard dozens of times, escapes me. For reasons I never bothered to understand, the most recent election in Britain was so special American news organizations deigned to cover it. The interest was short-lived. Once whoever won, won, buried deep within US papers was a forgettable photo of yet another chinless wonder named Lord Snootinghamtottenshire, and we reverted back to our natural state of indifference toward their political landscape.

Yet even though we’re no longer looking, even though we couldn’t possibly care less, this guy still exists. Not only that, he’s still a major world leader. Did you know that there have been Prime Ministers other than Winston Churchill and Margaret Thatcher? Neither did I, but there must have been.

In case you’re wondering, Wikipedia reports that the current British Prime Minister is named David Cameron, not Lord Snootinghamtottenshire, and the photo clearly indicates a chin.


  1. Duh. Of course there have been other PMs. Remember John Cleese?

  2. Right, the Monty Python coalition government of the 70's. How could I have forgotten?

  3. The Sixth ReplicantJune 13, 2010 at 8:36 PM

    the current British Prime Minister is named David Cameron, not Lord Snootinghamtottenshire, and the photo clearly indicates a chin

    I call Photoshop.

  4. I actually saw another picture in the paper today and a chin implant would do him good.
