Thursday, July 1, 2010

Shhhh.... I'm Studying!

Because my significant other and I realized that an in-ground pool will be vital to our future happiness, we have to get rich. I’ve thusly determined that law school, preferably at a university that is both elite and stifling, is in my future. Because studying for the LSAT is taking up most of the time previously devoted to drafting these splendid blogs, I had to come up with something quick and easy to write. So here are two of my favorite items from this week’s free morning papers.

The NYPD is on the lookout for a female shoplifter who has been targeting beauty shops and making off with pricey cosmetics. She has managed to elude law enforcement by concealing her identity prior to engaging in any illegal activities. Because ski caps and Richard Nixon masks are so overdone, our lady criminal prefers to disguise herself as a cat.

A gentleman was overheard on the Staten Island Ferry explaining to tourists that Staten Island is home to the smartest people in the world. As hilarious as this conceit is, it gets better. The gentleman then pointed to a nearby landmass and referred to it as the home of the stupidest people in the world: New Jersey-ites. Sadly, he was pointing at Brooklyn.

1 comment:

  1. Hmmm... I'd spot you the money for an in-ground pool to save you the misery of getting a law degree, but I think your co-op board might object you your building a swimming pool in your apartment. So by all means, go to law school.
