Monday, May 17, 2010

RIP Ronnie, and may Satan have mercy on your soul.

I am writing today to honor the life and work of Mr. Ronnie James Dio, the elfin aberration recently known as a touring member of Black Sabbath and currently known as dead. I haven’t been this broken up by the death of a rock star since the guy from Quiet Riot vacuumed up enough cocaine to take down someone half as old and twice as relevant.

Lovers of hard rock the world over, you’re faced with a golden opportunity. As a Bananarama enthusiast, I don’t have license to break from business as usual, but you do. Throw caution to the wind. Blaze your own trail. Call in sick. Pile into an unemployed friend’s Trans Am and pick up a couple cases of High Life. Cruise to a parking lot on the outskirts of town, fucked up on hairspray and gasoline. Recreate "Heavy Metal Parking Lot." Find yourself in the right place at the right time, and I would imagine you’ll happen upon a veritable metal orgy: 1 part amphetamines, 2 parts beer, 3 parts “Holy Diver,” and 0 parts sex.

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